Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Issue 20 : "Return from the Grave... Perhaps?"

If the previous one month gap was bad, what about the current near-nine month gap? :D So much has happened, too much for one kitty to say alone. Perhaps little updates and kitty snacks?

The kitty is now 21 years of age.

The kitty is currently a yellow-ranked judoka, in possesion of three medals (two silvers and one bronze).

The kitty has graduated with a Diploma in Electronics Engineering.

The kitty has failed to enter university and will be looking for, and starting a full-time job very soon.

The kitty feels a change of personality in its little furry body.

The kitty hungry.

The kitty is bored.

The kitty is going off-topic.

Kitty snacks for you? :D

The kitty proposes an interesting suggestion to its loyal and faithful readers. Since the kitty sometimes if not often run out of topics to post about, why not you suggest one to the kitty. For example what you would want to know about the kitty, current updates you want on the kitty, etc. Just drop them in the litterbox- ahem, chatbox here --->>

Do drop a notice for the lazy kitty if it forgets the existence of her litterbox- ahem, blog again.

Kitty Press Issue 20 : "Return from the Grave... Perhaps?"

Kitty Status : Somewhat depressed and bored.

The kitty loves soft blankets, kitty snacks, and you <3

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